It's been a hot minute since I made time to post, but it has been a fun ride :-)
Michael was on vacation for the first week of October, so we spent most of the week at the boat. I plan to make a video of the whole week's fun, I'll add a link when that is ready. We went sailing on four different days, two back to backs each time. We are all a lot more confident, a lot stronger, and definitely enjoying it. It rained mid-week - we decided to go back to the apartment on Tuesday since it was raining all day, but we came back on Wednesday. We celebrated Bean's birthday on Wednesday with a night out at a local Thai place (Merlion's - delicious).
Following that amazing week - I got a part time job! Some of our boat friends and neighbors here in the marina own a marine electrical business. I had been chatting with them about the work I was doing, and mentioned I wanted to learn more, so I am now working with them as an apprentice marine electrician. It isn't very many hours a week, but I am loving it and having a great time learning.
In between the days working with them, or after hours, I did quite a bit on the boat this week. I finally installed the bedroom trim. I installed anchors for the two doors under my berth, and for the engine access in the head. I installed the new switch for the radar and steaming light, and I reinforced one of the galley rails so it won't come flying off and send the person holding it flying if they try to use it for stability :-)
There is still a little cleanup to do on the radar - making the wires pretty and such, but it is up and working, so we are excited to connect and test it next time we sail.
This week we are planning to all stay at the boat, now that the air conditioner is mostly decommissioned (still on the boat in case we get a hot night, but it has been nice fall weather for most of the last week and it is expected to continue). I'm waiting to hear my schedule, but I will be working at least a couple days next week again. In between, Bean and I will tackle a couple more boat projects. Should be a fun week :-)