We are back to working on the boat this week :-)
We want to wrap up the final items here (especially the electrical) so we can move the boat to Seabrook and start sailing as many weekends as possible, trust me, we need the experience ;-p
This week started with finishing the 'on the bench' wiring for the main shore power breaker panel, I had to measure and drill the holes for the wires in the bottom, and then get everything connected and make it all fit into the pretty box - I think it looks pretty good!
I'll be really excited to mount it tomorrow, run the wires through the boat to their respective sources (galley outlet, nav outlet, and battery charger), and then connect it to shore power and see it work (fingers crossed!)
After that I went grocery shopping and stopped by the boat - while I was there I decided to wrap up the bilge board so it can sit while Bean and I spend one more night at the apartment. Sam (my machinist) made me a nice reinforcement piece that I epoxied and screwed onto the bottom of the board - it is curing tonight and should be perfect tomorrow.
Other than the electrical, the rest of this week will be smallish things - replaced the rope used for the sail cover, ordered some 'required placards' that we realized were missing on the boat so we will install those once they arrive, got another cup holder for the cockpit. The other big thing we will start on is the radar - we need to take apart the galley ceiling in order to run a wire between the distribution block at the base of the mast and the panel. Not sure what we will find up there, but hoping it will be pretty straightforward. There are already three connected sections on the distribution block, and one open one, so hopefully we can just add another wire between and then connect the radar power cable to it (again, fingers crossed).
That first sail has definitely lit a fire under us - we have so much to learn, and really want to get out there and start getting good at it, and really understanding it. It will definitely be a transition as I start to look for work again (after we move the boat to Seabrook), but I am actually a little excited to get back into software, I help Michael from time to time and I do enjoy it. I'm hoping to find something a little less 'hair on fire', and somewhere where I can keep growing my skills, but I am looking forward to it again.